Call for Papers – Online Journal
Istmo/Thematic Dossier
“Transterritorial Routes of
Contemporary Caribbean Cultures”
For 25th edition of Istmo. Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos the editors of the thematic dossier “Transterritorial Routes of Contemporary Caribbean Cultures” welcome articles, essays or interviews. The length of each submission should be at least 10 pages (including bibliographical references and footnotes) written in either English or Spanish. We invite topics from junior research areas of Cultural and Literary Studies. Information on format and style are available at: 23publicacion.html.
Proposals, papers and questions can be sent to the coordinator of the dossier Martina Urioste-Buschmann (Mailing address:urioste-buschmann@romanistik.
Deadline for final submissions: December 1, 2012.