PUB: Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Latino(a) Research Review « Repeating Islands

Call for Papers:

Special Issue of the Latino(a) Research Review

The Latino(a) Research Review (LRR) announces a call for papers for a special issue on “The Legacies of Puerto Rican Social, Cultural, and Political Activism in the United States.” The deadline for manuscript submissions is February 1, 2012. This special issue will be published in Fall 2012.

Description: For this special issue, LRR invites articles that document and analyze different forms of social, cultural, and political activism that have engaged Puerto Ricans at the various U.S. geographic locations where they have settled since the latter part of the nineteenth century through the present.  

Particularly welcome are manuscripts focusing on the activities of émigré separatists during the second half of the nineteenth century, the struggles of migrant pioneers during the first half of the twentieth century, the Puerto Rican civil rights movement, leading figures and landmark events, cultural and artistic expressions, pan-ethnic alliances, the founding and role of community-based organizations and newspapers, educational advocacy, the emergence and development of Puerto Rican Studies, different forms of engagement and challenges to white racial, gender, sexual, and class ideologies, anticolonial struggles and nationalism, the construction of diasporic identities, political participation and representation, and new forms of social consciousness and struggle for equality, social justice, and empowerment.  

Manuscripts should not exceed 30 typed-double spaced pages in length. Potential contributors should submit three hard copies and a CD or disk copy to: LRR/CELAC, SS-250, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222.

For questions, please email Dr. Edna Acosta-Belén, LRR Editor at

Photo: The Young Lords, from