PBOS XVIII: Economic Crisis, Education, and Philosophy
October 28 & 29 2011
Michigan State Univ.
Theme: Economic Crisis, Education and the Role of Philosophy for the African American Public.
This conference seeks to address the cultural and political dynamics of worldviews, philosophical analysis, education and economic needs within African American communities and the wider society.
Areas of concerns include processes of decision making resulting in public policy, community needs and the influence of academe. In our reflection and call to action, we will contextualize public policy from the “Moynihan Report” to recent “Contracts with American” and their attendant consequences on academic institutions and the nation as a whole.
Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts related to philosophies of education and the African American experience, public policy and human liberation, race and economic distribution, cultural understanding and economical outlook, educational mobilization and social transformation.
Contact: Dr. John H. McClendon III – Michigan State University
dr.j@att.netDr. J. Everet Green – SUNY-Purchase & Mercy College
everet@optonline.netDr. Leonard Harris – Purdue University