CFP: Obama, Race, and Empire (journal; 5/1)
Extended Deadline: July 30, 2010
agency, an online, peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal, invites submissions for its inaugural issue, a special issue on Obama, Race, and Empire. The election of Barack Obama as President of the United States in November 2008 was hailed by many as a transformative moment in the history of race relations within the United States, and the USA’s relationship with the global community. Yet, Obama’s first year as President has resulted in frustration for many of his supporters, as policy goals remain goals not achievements and the USA continues to be seen by many as oppressive and imperialist.
agency invites submissions of essays critically reflecting on race and empire in the aftermath of the historic election of Obama to the presidency. How has Obama’s presidency transformed (or not) conceptions of race and America’s place in the world? How have perceptions of Obama and America shifted in the period since his inauguration? What does the prominence of backlash groups like the truthers and the Tea Party movement reveal about race and empire in the contemporary USA?agency is an interdisciplinary journal of the humanities and social sciences, and we will consider submissions working within or across any disciplines associated with the humanities and social sciences (and beyond). The ideal agency essay is scholarly and rigorous but also accessible and engagingly written.
Submissions should be 4000-5000 words and should be formatted in accordance with the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook.
The deadline for submissions is 30 July 2010. Please submit submissions via email to the editor, Dr. Douglas Ivison, at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
agency is published by Lakehead University’s Advanced Institute for Globalization and Culture (