Call for Submissions:
30 Days in North Africa (Travelers' Tales)
We're considering expanding our line of short destination titles, each of which include 30 stories. For a description of the kinds of stories we're looking for, see "Type of Story" below. Titles in the works:* 30 Days in Baja
* 30 Days in the Caribbean
* 30 Days in England
* 30 Days in the Himalayas
* 30 Days in Japan
* 30 Days in New Zealand
* 30 Days in North Africa
* 30 Days in Panama
* 30 Days in SwitzerlandDeadline for submission: OPEN
Est. Release Date: TBA
General Submission Guidelines:
Type of Story
StampWe're looking for personal, nonfiction stories and anecdotes-funny, illuminating, adventurous, frightening, or grim. Stories should reflect that unique alchemy that occurs when you enter unfamiliar territory and begin to see the world differently as a result. Stories that have already been published are welcome as long as the author retains the copyright to reprint the material.
LengthWhatever it takes without being self-indulgent-anything from a paragraph to fifteen pages. Shorter stories have a better chance of being accepted.
Biographical Information
Please include a few sentences about yourself, something quirky and fun in addition to the usual list of accomplishments.
Form of Submission
We no longer accept submissions via email or regular mail. All submissions must be made through our submissions intake site: travelerstalesstories.com
We are interested in non-exclusive rights, in all languages, in print and digital editions, throughout the world. Our use of the material does not restrict the authors' rights to have their stories reprinted elsewhere. For further information on rights, please see our submissions intake site, travelerstalesstories.com
Travelers' Tales offers a $100 honorarium for stories of any length published in print editions of our books. In addition, authors receive a free copy of the book in which their work will appear, and the right to purchase an unlimited number of any Travelers' Tales titles for 50% off the cover price (plus shipping and handling). Other advantages include the opportunity to appear in print with many well-known writers, and the ongoing promotion of your name and work in the literary marketplace, and on our website.
In most cases we will do some editing of accepted stories for considerations of style, grammar, or length and may also alter the story title. Due to the large number of submissions received we will only contact you if we decide to include your submission in a Travelers' Tales collection. Sometimes books take as long as a year to be completed following our submissions deadlines. Final decisions are made near the end of the editorial process, and all authors whose stories have been accepted are notified at that time.
Due to the large number of submissions received we will only contact you if we decide to include your submission in a Travelers' Tales collection. Sometimes books take as long as a year to be completed following our submissions deadlines. Final decisions are made near the end of the editorial process, and all authors whose stories have been accepted are notified at that time.
Note: We no longer accept submissions via email or regular mail. All submissions for our anthologies must be made through our submissions intake site: travelerstalesstories.com. All book-length manuscripts must be submitted via our Gateway program..
Contact Information:
For inquiries: submit@travelerstales.com
For submissions: submit here
Website: http://www.travelerstalesstories.com