PUB: Call for Submissions: “Below the Surface” Photographic Project « Repeating Islands

Call for Submissions:

“Below the Surface” Photographic Project

There is an open call going on right now for photographers of African-Caribbean communities in London for a photographic project named “Below the Surface,” sponsored by the African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora Festival (which will be held alongside the London Design Festival) in September 2011.

Description: “Below the Surface” is a photographic project aiming to shed light on the real life of young people in African and African-Caribbean communities in London, the life below the surface of public perception. Disposable cameras will be given to a group of youngsters from various areas, communities and backgrounds in London, including young offenders and those at risk of social exclusion, with the task to document one day of his/her life. The cameras will then be collected and the images processed.

Involving some of the (volunteering) youngsters further, the processed images will be mounted and prepared for the exhibition/installation during the African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora Festival in September 2011, which will be held alongside the London Design Festival.

The main installation will be one massive picture wall, a collage of life’s colourful facets within the African and African-Caribbean communities in London. The project aims to tell a story of what we normally don’t see, a story of the struggle with social prejudice and misunderstanding, of hope and expectations, of families and relationships, told by young individuals from their point of view; thus giving us a unique insight into life below the surface.

The project also aims to provide young people with the opportunity to discover photography as a means of self-expression and to explore the arts as a form of communication. If you are 21 years of age or younger and want to take part in this project please email to

[Many thanks to Holly Bynoe (ARC) for bringing this item to our attention.]

For original post, see

For more information visit the AACDD at