For the 3rd consecutive year CaribbeanTales will be holding a festival in beautiful Barbados.
The Caribbean Diaspora's most dynamic film festival group --- with bases and events in Toronto, Barbados and New York, and partnerships across the region and the globe --- showcases Caribbean themed films of all genres. Our programming celebrates the unique voice of the Caribbean in all its shapes, incarnations and diversity, including: culture, comedy, animation, sci-fi, diapora stories, stories of cultural identity and multicultural relationships.
We are looking for short films and features for our Barbados Showcase, which this year will take place between April 11-15th 2012.
Please fill in the guidelines attached below and send to our Programming Director, Penny Hynam, at
Please send us your film via a password protected Vimeo account or other secure online carriage. We look forward to seeing and screening your work.
The CaribbeanTales Barbados Team.
Guidelines for SubmissionFINAL DEADLINE: Monday, March 12, 2012 (NO ENTRY FEE)
• All lengths and genres accepted.
• CT seeks works made by filmmakers from Caribbean backgrounds and/or that celebrate and explore Caribbean themes, and themes of interest and relevance to people from the Caribbean Diaspora.
• Preview copy must be sent through secure online storage for example a password protected vimeo account. Submission should be sent via email to: Penny Hynam, Programming Director, CaribbeanTales @ Island Inn Barbados 2012, Please also adress any questions or concerns here.
• Label previews with director’s name, film title, length, country, contact info, genre and year
of completion, as well as 150 word Synopsis.
• Films in foreign languages must be subtitled in English.
• The participant must pay print shipping costs to Barbados. The festival will pay the cost of shipping
exhibition prints back to the participant.
• Please do not send preview or screening copies by courier to Barbados, as often they charge large customs and duties charges. CT will not cover the resulting customs and duties charges, and will refuse the package.
• All preview tapes will be added to CT's archives for considertation to our year-round international
programming, unless filmmaker indicates in writing that they do not wish it so.
About CaribbeanTalesCaribbeanTales is a group of companies that produces, markets and exhibits Caribbean-themed films for regional and international distribution. These include: CaribbeanTales Worldwide Distribution, that links producers and buyers of quality filmed entertainment; the CaribbeanTales Film Festival Group that produces annual events in Toronto, Barbados and New York; the Caribbean Incubator Program for Audio Visual Entrepreneurs that delivers training for filmmakers, and, a non profit that promotes citizen participation through the medium of film, contributing to an inclusive Canadian society.
Founded in 2010, the CaribbeanTales Film Festival @ Island Inn Barbados is a multi facetted event that includes a Film Festival, an Industry Symposium, and a Content incubator, all aimed at stimulating the development of a vibrant world class Caribbean film and television industry.
CaribbeanTales Worldwide • 38 Concord Avenue • Toronto, M6H2P1