PUB: Call for Submissions for Spring/ Summer Issue: MoJo! Journal of Black and African-American Women's Poetry and Flash Memoir > Writers Afrika

Call for Submissions for

Spring/ Summer Issue:

MoJo! Journal of

Black and African-American

Women's Poetry and Flash Memoir

Deadline: 15 June 2012

MoJo!, an online journal of Black and African-American women's poetry, flash memoir, and social commentary, is now reading submissions for the Spring/Summer Issue.


Black and African-American women are invited to submit Poetry of any style and on any topic, of fewer than 100 lines (shorter is better). The process of selection is very subjective. The editor is not generally looking for very religius poems, although spirituality is welcome. Please lighten up on the ryhme. Flash Memoir or social commentary of fewer than 1,000 words is also published. Journalism is not accepted. A personal viewpoint is wanted. Profanity, slurs, gratuitous violence and overt sexuality et cetera will not be published.

Feel free to query.


For inquiries/ submissions:
