PUB: Call for Submissions - Images, Sound/Music, Video and Literature needed for Online Gallery - SOCIETY HAE

Call for Submissions - Images, Sound/Music, Video and Literature needed for Online Gallery

Viral Mediaocracy (VMO) -  VMO is virtual gallery that will feature curated audio, video, image and text in viral multi-media exhibitions. For this project, creativity will be valued over artistic merit. Therefore, we encourage anyone who believes that they have compelling and thought-provoking content to submit to the site. VMO is for any individual who happens to capture a provoking slice of life, be it a snippet of a conversation, sounds of a bustling city, a written pondering, a haiku, an optical illusion, an astounding sunset...the options are limitless!

Featured works are meant to be experienced not only on the VMO page but other viral manifestations (such as YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, etc.), on both computers and mobile devices. The inclusion of content on this site is based on how well the content addresses the demands of viral technologies. All submitted material should be something that can be experienced in full on anything from a 17" computer monitor to a palm-sized mobile device.


Content is open. All submissions are welcomed!

Please see here for information about submissions.

Also, please do not hesitate to contact us here, for more information about the project.

Thank you, in advance, for your support. We look forward to having you onboard!

Warm regards,
VMO Team