PUB: Call for Submissions: Ink Bean (Africa/ worldwide) > Writers Afrika

Call for Submissions: Ink Bean (Africa/ worldwide)


Ink Bean was started under the name 3 Hearts Mag in April 2010 . We are a non profit company that supports endangered animals, abandoned pets, and March of Dimes. Ink Bean is available by email. We are an ezine that publishes the work from all kind of authors and offers things for new and old writers.

Editor and Ceo – Chimica Robinson –

We are looking for submissions. The best way to contact us is by email. Normally, you will get a reply within 3 weeks for a general email.

Submission guidelines:

Theme: All Themes Excepted. Target Audience : Men and Woman between 18 and 45 years old.

We prefer unpublished work. If it has been published before please include that information in submission.

All submissions are approved if they fit into this ezine well. There should be no curse words or anything sexual please.

We do not pay for submissions.

All submissions must have a 10 to 20 word bio Please include a word count either in your cover letter or the file itself. This makes it faster for us to read and place your piece into the ezine.

It can take up to 3 months for you to hear something back. But don't worry you hear something back as soon as we can.

Poem Submission
(doc, docx, txt, rtf, zip, wpf, odt)
Size limit: 40 lines
Poems – Up to 40 lines of poems. No curse words are allowed. You may submit up to 25 poems in one year.

Short Story Submission
(doc, docx, txt, rtf, zip, wpf, odt)
Size limit: 2500
Short stories – Up to 2500 words Subjects can include love, humor, suspense and mystery. All stories must reflect something of the love, life and laugh theme. You may only submit up to 12 stories in one year.

Flash Fiction Submission
(doc, docx, txt, rtf, zip, wpf, odt)
Size limit: 500
Flash Stories – Up to 500 words. Must not contain any curse words. You can submit up to 24 flash fiction stories in one year

Other/ Creative Non Fiction
(doc, docx, txt, rtf, zip, wpf, odt)
Size limit: 2500
Creative Non Fiction ( including essays) , Writer Advice Articles and Tutorials are also wanted. Writing prompts are also great. Blog Posting topics as well. Queries are always welcome. Guidelines for queries are under 500 words, include contact information, how long it will take you to write, brief experience/ bio, brief outline of work, prospected length and pictures or links if important.

Contact Information:

For inquiries:

For submissions: submit online here
