Call for Papers Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection on:
Other Mothers/Other Mothering
Editor: Angelita Reyes
Publication Date: 2013
Other mothers and other mothering roles may be found throughout history and across diverse cultures. Other mothers may be the paradigmatic first responders, the first-teachers of informal and formal learnings, or first care-givers for the formative triage years of children and youth. Other mothering denotes the continuity and contemporary practices of shared, communal, or assumed mothering responsibilities that are empowering and inclusive of social transformation. Despite the prevalence of this practice and increasing scholarship about other mothering, an edited collection on this important and central cultural paradigm does not yet exist. The aim of the present collection is to investigate the history, possibilities, differences, continuities, transformations, or advancements of other mothering, paying particular attention to liberating potentials of destabilizing patriarchal representations of motherhood and family structures. As interconnected and transnational cultures are in full swing into the 21st century, both men and women can perform and enable diverse and holistic roles of other mothering. How does other mothering transform the language implications of gender? How do we interrogate the roles of mothering for both women and men? This collection will explore the fluid, empowering and diversified roles of other mothering across cultures. Thus, of particular interest are submissions that interrogate other mothering from global perspectives, comparative ethnicities and historical contexts. The editor of this collection seeks article-length contributions in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences that may include, but are not limited to the following topics:
• foster mothering • queer co-mothering • gay mothering and the “modern family” • open adoption mothering • closed adoption mothering • grandmothering • non-residential mothers • non-custodial mothers • men and mothering • co-mothering • fictive kin mothers • community mothers • African American, African, Caribbean, Latin American, and Native American other mothers • other mothering in religious practices • Godmothers across cultures • tiger mothering • single mothers • representations of other mothers/other mothering in literature, popular culture, the arts •
Submission guidelines:
Abstracts should be 250 words.
Please also include a CV.
Deadline for abstracts: October 12, 2011
Accepted papers of 4000-5000 words (15-18 pages) will be due on April 2, 2012 and will conform to MLA style format
Please send submissions by email directly to: Angelita Reyes, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85284, Email:
Demeter Press
140 Holland St. West,
PO 13022
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