PUB: Call for Submissions - POWA Women's Writing Project 2011: Sisterhood (South Africa) > Writers Afrika

Call for Submissions

- POWA Women's Writing Project 2011:

Sisterhood (South Africa)


Deadline: 15 November 2011

People Opposing Women Abus3 (POWA) is a non-governmental organisation offering services to women in South Africa who have experienced domestic vi0lence, s3xual harassm3nt, or rap3, as well as to adult survivors of inc3st.

POWA is calling for submission for its 2011 Women's Writing Project.

The 2011 POWA Women's Writing Project theme is: Sisterhood. The term sisterhood is often used to express relationships and connections built by women to express love, support and solidarity to one another. These connections may be as a result of shared similar experiences or a collective understanding of 'victimhood' or survival and what it means to be strong, courageous and powerful.

This year, POWA is calling for poems, short stories and personal essays that tell of the experience and impact made through the contribution of women around you - mother, grandmothers, sisters, family members, friend, neighbours, counsellors, partners, colleagues or other women- and the way through which this has changed or revolutionised your life.

Submissions in the following categories will be accepted:

* Poetry: no longer than 60 lines;
* Short story: no longer than 2 500 words;
* Personal essay: no longer than 2000 words.

Writing your own story is very brave and sometimes difficult thing to do. We all have a responsibility to respect and acknowledge bravery, in ourselves and each other. In order to do this, POWA and all of its sponsors will treat each submission as confidential. Confidentiality means that submissions will be treated with privacy and respect.


To submit, send your story to Nehwoh Belinda at or post at People Opposing Women Abus3, PO Box 93416, Yeoville, 2143.


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