PUB: Call for Submissions: QZine's Special Issue on Friends, Family, Community (Africa-wide) > Writers Afrika

Call for Submissions:

QZine's Special Issue on Friends,

Family, Community (Africa-wide)



Deadline: 15 April 2012

LGBT people in Africa are often shown in the media as isolated, lonely voices. Often we also see ourselves like that.

The reality is that there are many gay and straight people who support us amongst our friends, families, and communities. In the fourth issue of Qzine, we highlight the voices of the many straight African people who support the LGBT people in their lives.

We know that our families, friends, colleagues, and neighbours sometimes struggle to come to terms with learning that a friend, loved one or co-worker is “different.” Others do not struggle at all – they are the ones who help us to come to terms. Either way, we would like to hear from you in this special oneyear anniversary issue of Q-zine co-edited by John McAllister and Keletso Makofane.

We invite you to write about how LGBT issues affect your life even though you are not LGBT yourself. How do you make sense of your sister’s love for women? Or your son wearing women’s clothes?

How does homophobia against your friend affect your life? Do you approve of your daughter’s girlfriend? Do you think your gay nephew is happy? How do your straight friends react when they find out that your son, daughter, friend, or cousin is gay? How did it affect your life when your loved one told you that he or she was LGBT? What struggles – in your family, workplace, neighbourhood, and in yourself – have you had to fight to arrive where you are?

Please share your story with us. We welcome your reflections in any format – essay, news story, memoir, commentary, fiction, poetry, photography, painting, drawing, or any combination. Help us all to see that LGBT people exist in families, friendships and communities, and that we are all African together.

Text submissions should be between 500 and 1,500 words. Art submissions (photos, paintings, drawings) should include a brief (100-300 word) commentary and a caption for each artwork submitted.

Submissions can be made online: or to the editors: or


For inquiries: or

For submissions: or
