PUB: Call for Submissions: Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text: Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing « Repeating Islands

Call for Submissions:

Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text:

Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing

Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled: Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text: Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing. Co-editors: Cristina Herrera and Paula Sanmartín Publication Date: 2014

Deadline for abstracts: January 15, 2012
Scholarly work on Caribbean women’s literature has grown since the 1990′s, and much of this research examines maternal themes, as the topic of motherhood is highly visible in written works by women of the Caribbean regions. While there are several book-length studies on Caribbean women’s literature, and a limited number of them do focus on the subject of Caribbean mothers, many of these studies lack analyses of the Spanish Caribbean, and the subject of motherhood, when explored, is also presented in rather specific contexts. Therefore, this collection seeks to expand this previous scholarship by offering a more expansive view of motherhood that encompasses a wide variety of thematic concerns, as well as a broader geographical scope that places a stronger emphasis on the understudied (Afro)Spanish Caribbean writers. In addition, the collection will strive to recover and discover new (Afro)Caribbean voices, by including essays on writers whose works have received little or no critical attention. The editors seek article-length contributions in all areas of literature, including poetry, novels, short stories, drama, autobiography, and essays.Articles may discuss (but are not limited to) the following topics:


*Comparative studies* Postcolonialism/Critical Race Studies* Afro-Caribbean women writers from the Spanish Caribbean, British Caribbean, French Caribbean, and the Dutch Caribbean* Matrilineal heritages and narratives* Maternal (her)stories* Maternal sexualities* Mothering and (im)migration, (im)migrant mothers and diaspora writing* Mother/daughter relationships* Grandmothers and “other mothers”* Mothering, home and the mother(land)* Maternal absence, maternal death* Abandonment, mother/daughter loss and gain* Madness, illness, the mad/ill mother and/or daughter* Maternal silences and mother tongues* Trauma, memory and mothering* Mothering and agency* Womanhood and motherhood* Revision and recovery of (m)other histories* Family narratives*Traditions of motherhood/mothering

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit abstracts of 250 words and include your 50 word bio and citizenship.

Deadline for Abstracts is January 15, 2012

Please send submissions and inquiries directly to Cristina Herrera and Paula Sanmartin:,

Demeter Press
140 Holland St. West, PO 13022
Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 Tel: (905) 775-9089