PUB: Call for Submissions - ShuoMii

Call for Submissions


ShuoMii is a dynamic, responsive and collaborative not-for-profit based media Mega-source set with the purpose of changing the LGBT dynamic within itself and society. ShuoMii’s goal is to revolutionize the stereotypical opinion of our community by enabling a platform that will facilitate a positive image by influencing people with art poetry, film, photography, music and other literary works. Through empowerment ShuoMii plans to create a safer environment dedicated to promoting a positive image for the LGBT POCC, so that we may promote acceptance and understanding. At this moment, there is no major magazine which brings LGBT People of Color writers and artists to the forefront. We believe it is time to publish such a magazine!

ShuoMii will:

  • Introduce a wide audience to literature and art (film, music, and photographs) by the LGBT community.
  • Provide a unique opportunity for underrepresented writers and artists viewpoints.
  • Discover and publish emerging and developing writers and artists.

ShuoMii will be published both in print and on the web. Print costs are high, so our agenda is to build a website first and print four magazines a year when we have the funds. We are currently seeking submissions for our inaugural issue! All LGBT people of Color artists, musicians, performers and writers are encouraged to submit work.


Prose and Poetry: Submit up to 3 pages of work(double-spaced, 12 pt.). It is best to send all of your work in one Microsoft Word (.doc) or text (.rtf) attachment.
Graphic files: Submit up to 5 visual art images or photographs. Photography and visual art should be sent using .tif files ( at least 300 dpi /300 pixels per inch resolution) or .jpeg files. Please include a short artist’s statement about the work submitted.
Songs and Sound Art: Submit up to five MP3 files. Please include a short artist’s statement about the work submitted. All sound art and music will be featured mostly on our website.
Video Art/Movies: Please send a URL to the work if it is online. If not, fill out the submission form and we will contact you about how to submit your video. Please include an artists statement about the work.
ALL submissions: Please include a short bio (two sentences) with your name (as you want it to appear in print), email, phone, and mailing address.

Issue Topic: Acceptance (coming out, etc)

DEADLINE for submissions to be considered for the inaugural issue will be May 16, 2011.

Ready to send in your work? The submission form is HERE.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing your work!