PUB: call for submissions—Electric Literature

Submit to Us

If you have a story you would like us to consider for Electric Literature, send it our way. But before you submit your work, please purchase a copy to familiarize yourself with the publication.

No Submission Fees
We pay writers, they don't pay us. We are proud to support writers who entrust us with their work.

No Contests
Every other month, we select five stories for publication. Each writer receives $1,000. This is a payment, not a prize. We value writing, we know how hard it is, and we believe writers are entitled to fair compensation.

No Cover Letters
We don't need to see your resume. All we care about is the story.

Grab Us
We are looking for work with a strong voice which hooks us in the first paragraph and doesn't let go until the final sentence.

Electric Literature accepts fiction only. Length should be between 1,500 and 8,000 words. Submissions are welcome all year long.

Electronic Submissions may be sent to the email address below.
Paper submissions may be sent to 325 Gold St. Suite 303, Brooklyn NY 11201.
Simultaneous submissions are fine.

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