Lone Star Legacy:
African American History in Texas
LONE STAR LEGACY is seeking work for our PREMIERE SEPTEMBER 2010 FALL ISSUE by Writers from Texas and Writers with Connections to Texas.
Lone Star Legacy is looking for work that details the struggles, existence, and triumphs of trailblazing African Americans (current and past) throughout Texas, including various periods from their arrival to the present.
Submissions should be the author’s original work. No reprints please. We are interested in:
Creative Nonfiction (Especially Memoir/First Person Narratives)
Historic Poetry
Journalistic Articles
Literary Articles/Essays
Color Photographs
Black and White Photographs
Writers whose work is selected will be contacted.
The extended deadline: June 21,2010 .
Please submit your work along with a short biographical statement
electronically to the following email address: LoneStarLegacy@live.com.
Please save your documents in Rich Text Format (rtf).
The biographical material will help us in constructing your contributor’s note.
It would greatly speed our efforts if you could send us a proofed copy of your
work before June 21, 2010.
Delicia Daniels
Wiley College
711 Wiley Ave
Marshall, Texas 75672