PUB: call for submissions—StoryTime

StoryTime - About

StoryTime: Weekly new fiction by African Writers.

Submission Guidelines:

We welcome all African Writers (writers born in Africa, or having domiciled in for over 10 years, and/or holding citizenship in an African country) to submit, in all fiction genres. The story must be an Original work, nothing that infringes the copyright of, or is derived from, another author's work of fiction, is overly lewd, hate speech, etc. You get the idea... StoryTime runs under a Creative Commons 3.0 (Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks) License. Works submitted may be:

1) Short stories: 1500 - 8000 words.

2) Excerpts from Novels, novellas or novelettes: 1500 - 5000 words.

3)No - Simultaneous submissions or Multiple First time Submissions.

African Roar

For entry into the selection process for African Roar, StoryTime's annual book anthology please see 1 above and, no excerpts and/or previously published work will be selected. If your submissions is accepted it will first be published in StoryTime and then if selected, become only available in the anthology. All selections are made from eligible works published over one year from 31st August to 31st August.

Welcome to StoryTime!

Let the clatter of your keyboard echo across the world.

Mail all story submissions and inquiries to:

StoryTime is a registered serial publication: ISSN 2072-9359.