PUB: Call for submissions—The Black Film Center/Archive : Indiana University Bloomington

Publications | Black Camera | Contributor Guidelines

  • Feature articles, essays, and interviews can be 8,000-10,000 words.
  • Commentaries can be 1,000-2,000 words.
  • Book and film reviews can be 500-1,500 words (exceptions will be considered for review essays).
  • Notes can be up to 500 words.
  • All submissions should be double spaced, use Times New Roman font with 12 point font size, and have numbered pages.
  • Authors must provide any illustrations and captions and are responsible for obtaining all permissions required to publish an illustration. Illustrations should be submitted as EPS or TIFF files.
  • Submissions can be submitted either electronically by email attachment or by hard copy with a disk. Work should be saved as a Microsoft Word document. Please complete and include the Black Camera Contributor form with any submission.
  • An endnote citation format is required for scholarly essays. Contributors should use the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
  • An abstract of 150-250 words must be included.
  • Please include brief biographical, affiliation, and contact information.
  • Regrettably, we can neither respond to, guarantee publication of, or return unsolicited manuscripts.
  • We reserve the right to make editorial and stylistic changes.
  • If a submission is selected for publication, a signed Memorandum of Agreement will be sent and must be signed before publication.