PUB: call for submissions—The Caribbean Writer

The Caribbean Writer

The Literary Gem of the Caribbean


Submission Guidelines


The Caribbean Writer is an international literary refereed journal with a Caribbean focus. The Caribbean should be central to the work, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective.


Now accepting submissions for Volume 25, 2011. Deadline: September 30, 2010.


This 25th anniversary issue will be dedicated to Haiti and “freedom.” We are interested in works by both Haitian and non-Haitian writers, works that celebrate and document Haitian life in its broadest sense, works that provide a critical and historical overview, works that reflect both the resilience and the struggle that is part and parcel of Haitian reality at home and abroad. The secondary theme, Freedom, is appropriate as Haiti is synonymous with Freedom, being the first country in the New World to earn its independence in 1803. However, the word here, “Freedom” resonates on many different levels, and The Caribbean Writer seeks works that explores and explodes the multiple meanings of this word.  Also accepting artwork by Haitian artists or images of Haiti. (Original prints, photographs, paintings).


Submit poems, short stories, personal essays and one-act plays. Maximum length (for short stories and personal essays) is 3500 words or 10 pages. Only previously unpublished work will be accepted. (If self-published, give details.)


Procedure for submissions: Put name, address, and title of submission on separate sheet. Title only on submission. All submissions should be on a separate sheet.  Include brief biographical information and mention previous publications and Caribbean connection, if any. Type (double-spaced) all manuscripts.


All submissions are eligible for these prizes:


The Daily News Prize for best poetry ($300)

The Canute A. Brodhurst Prize for best short fiction ($400)

The David Hough Literary Prize to a Caribbean author ($500)

The Marguerite Cobb McKay Prize to a Virgin Island author ($200)

The Charlotte & Isidor Paiewonsky Prize for first-time publication ($250)


Book Reviews - Persons interested in reviewing books should contact the editor indicating areas of expertise. Include sample reviews if possible.


Snail mail submissions to address below or email submissions to as attached Word or RTF files.


University of the Virgin Islands ● RR 1, Box 10,000 ● Kingshill, St. Croix ● U.S. Virgin Islands 00850-9781

Phone: 340-692-4152 ● Fax: 340-692-4026 ● Email: Website: