PUB: call for submissions—Torch


TORCH is published twice a year online. Our reading period is April 15 through August 31. Unsolicited manuscripts received outside of our reading period will not be considered for publication.

TORCH accepts submissions via email only.  

Only previously unpublished work will be considered. 

Simultaneous submissions are not accepted.

Unsolicited submissions for our Flame section will not be accepted.

Send written work as one attached MS Word document. 

Poetry: send three to seven poems. Poems should be typed on separate pages. Email submission with the subject line 'Poetry Submission' to poetry (at)

Prose: send two prose pieces (max 500 words each). Email submission with the subject line 'Prose Submission' to prose (at)

Short Stories: send one short story (max 2,000 words). Email submission with the subject line 'Short Story Submission' to
shorts (at)

Photography & Art: We are no longer accepting unsolicited artwork.

Notification of accepted work will be sent by email. There is no payment for publication. All published work will be archived online at  

Copyright: All work is published with the author's permission. Contributors retain all rights to their work. Additional permission is required for reprints and external publications.

Submission Questions: email to info (at)