AZIZA PUBLISHING is having an open call for all authors. We are currently accepting manuscripts (fiction only) to be reviewed and some authors will receive an invitation to sign with Aziza Publishing based on the review of their manuscript.

Please keep in mind that AZIZA PUBLISHING is NOT a self-publisher. We are a full service publishing company meaning there are no up front costs for you as an author.

Please send all manuscripts with a cover letter as an MS word document to

If you have any questions please email:

Lastly you can check out our site here: or find us on FACEBOOK

Instructions for formatting your manuscript:

  • Your manuscript should look as though you typed it. Neither handwritten manuscripts nor ones that use a dozen amazingly nifty fonts are likely to be well received. If you are using a word processor try to select a non-proportional font (one where every character has the same width).
  • Do not justify the text. By this I mean don’t select the option from your word processor that makes every line of text end exactly at the right margin. Remember, you want your manuscript to look as though you typed it, even if you are printing it on the world’s most expensive laserwriter.
  • Use high quality 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper.
  • Only print on one side of the paper.
  • Do not staple the pages together.
  • Use wide margins — at least an inch all around the text.
  • Double space the text.
  • Show new paragraphs by indenting the first line of the new paragraph by five spaces. Thus:
    1 This is the end of one paragraph.
    3      And this is the start of the next paragraph.  Note
    5 that the text is double-spaced, and non-justified.
  • The top of the first page: Put your name, address, and telephone number at the top left of the first page. Put the word count to the nearest 100 words at the top right of the first page. Something like this:
    1 Jane Smith                                  3200 words
    2 123 Home Lane
    3 Writers' Ville PA 15206
  • The rest of the first page: The story’s title and your name should appear a little less than halfway down the first page. Then leave a couple of blank lines, and start the story. The title and your name should be centered:
    1                    GREAT STORY
    3                        by
    5                    Jane Smith
  • Put the page number, your surname, and a keyword or two from the title on the top right of every page after the first one. Something like this:
    1 Smith/Great Story/20
  • To show a scene break, leave a blank line, then have a line with a single asterix centered in the middle, then have another blank line. Thus:
    1 With a whimper, Bob died.
    3                       *
    5      It was a dark and stormy night, very dark, very
  • Do not use italics. To show text that should be italicized in the final published version of the story, underline that section of text.
  • At the end of your story, leave a couple of blank lines, then write “THE END” or “###” centered on a line.
  • And that’s all there is to it.