The Patricia Dobler Poetry Award
This contest is open to women writers* over the age of 40 who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, currently living in the U.S., who have not published a full-length book of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction (chapbooks excluded).
- Each poem must be unpublished, up to 75 lines/poem
- Up to two poems, of any style, per submission
- Submissions must be postmarked by or before September 1, 2011
- Submissions received after September 8, 2011 will not be accepted, regardless of postmark date
- Winner will be notified by September 30, 2011
With each two-poem submission, submit the following:
- Cover sheet with name, address, phone number, E-mail, titles of poems
- Check/money order for $20, made payable to Carlow University
- Clearly addressed, standard-letter-sized self-addressed, stamped envelope for notification
The author’s name, address, and any identifying information should not appear on any poem.
All entries will receive a copy of Voices from the Attic.
Judge: Denise Duhamel
Send entries to:
The Patricia Dobler Poetry Award
Jan Beatty, director of Creative Writing
Carlow University
3333 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
The winner will receive the Patricia Dobler Poetry Award, in the form of round-trip travel and lodging as a participating guest of Carlow’s MFA residency in Pittsburgh, PA, January 3-13, 2012; publication in Voices from the Attic; and a reading at Carlow University in Pittsburgh with judge Denise Duhamel.
>> About Patricia Dobler For more information, please contact Ellie Wymard, PhD, at 412-578-6346.
*Current Carlow students or employees are not eligible