Submitting work to Carpe Articulum is a two-step process.
1. REVIEW the appropriate Deadlines, Guidelines and Rules of Entry for your submission.
2. SUBMIT to Carpe Articulum Literary Review using Submishmash (click here)
These dates are ANNUAL, REVOLVING deadlinesSHORT FICTION……..MAR 30, SEPT 30
POETRY…………………MAR 30, SEPT 30
NOVELLA…………….. JAN 7
YOUNG WRITERS…….FEB 1If deadlines are missed, the piece will automatically be entered into the next contest cycle for that particular genre.
- All contests are void where prohibited by law.
- All contests are open to the public over the age of 18. International submissions accepted and encouraged. For publication in the English Version of CALR, participant must have work translated into English. All rules apply.
- All work must be original, and by submitting the pieces, author gives rights to the Carpe Articulum Literary Review to print the piece and to use it on the web or other media. All rights revert back to the author. See website for release and terms information. We want authors to become well known, and have no desire to encumber work. We do however, reserve the right to use it.
- Multiple entries are accepted.
- Previously printed work is acceptable as long as the circulation did not exceed 2,000 copies of a magazine, newspaper, book or other printed media. Previously printed authors are permitted.
- Two Cover Sheets must be included: One with author’s contact information, including name, address, telephone number, email, entry title and contest name. The second must contain the contest name and working TITLE of the piece ONLY. Absolutely no author name may be included on the work itself (unless it is a painting) or the piece(s) will be disqualified.
- No manuscripts will be returned, see winner’s announcements in the magazine or on the website.
- Electronic entries are accepted and encouraged, as long as all guidelines are observed, and entry fee accompanies its submission, ear-marked for the work’s title and author. Send electronic entries in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx file extension) through the email address: Editor-in-Chief@CarpeArticulum.com
- If no suitable winner can be found by contests’ end, the judges may invoke the right to extend the contest date slightly, in order to find enough appropriate work material. However, all contests will be awarded the funds allocated by the end of the extension date.
- All reader’s fees are non-refundable, and work is non-returnable. Please see to it that you are NOT sending us your only copy.
- All reader fees can be paid online via PayPal, OR by check or money order payable to: CARPE ARTICULUM LITERARY REVIEW. Entries can be sent via regular or special mail to:
The Carpe Verbum Contest / [write short fiction, novella, etc. here]
PO Box 409
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034- All Submissions MUST be postmarked by the deadline in order to be considered for that genre. We get a lot of work in, and in order to give it the proper attention, appropriate time allowances must be made. THE EARLIER, THE BETTER. If for any reason you feel you may have omitted an important piece of information, or may have inadvertently made an error in putting your package together, feel free to contact us and we will do our best to straighten out the issue. We sincerely want all worthy authors to get their due recognition and will in no way arbitrarily disqualify a participant for a slight oversight. International submissions welcome.
Submissions must not exceed 25 pages double-spaced. Submissions must not be less than a 12 pt. nor larger than a 14 pt. of a typically used font.Reading Fee $20
FIRST = $1,250 / SECOND = $300 / THIRD = $200Each additional entry in this SAME category, $10, not to exceed 5 total submissions
Eligible submissions must be of a single novella. May be a self-contained portion of a larger book, but must be a complete work in and of itself. May be comprised of up to 150 double-spaced typed pages; other than length, all Short Fiction guidelines apply. Submissions must not be less than a 12 pt. nor larger than a 14 pt. size of a typically used font.Stories or novellas previously published are eligible, as long as the publication did not exceed 2,000 copies.
Reading Fee $25
FIRST = $1,000 / SECOND = $300 / THIRD = $200
Each additional entry in this SAME category, $10, not to exceed 5 total submissions.GUIDELINES FOR POETRY
Not to exceed three pages per poem.Not to include more than three poems per entry.
Reading Fee $20 (for 3 poems)
FIRST = $400 / SECOND = $200 / THIRD = $100
Each additional poem entry in this SAME category, $10 each, not to exceed 5 total submissions.GUIDELINES FOR PHOTOGRAPHY (JOHN & EVA KEENER AWARD)
Work can include up to 3 black and white or colour photographs.Work must not be digitally altered beyond very basic touch up, (i.e. no inserts of fire-breathing dragons over the White House).
Work must not be pornographic (sexually explicit) in nature.
Work must be provided between the sizes of 3×5 to 11×13.
Work must be available in jpeg and PDF format, preferably 300 dpi.
FIRST = $400 / SECOND = $200 / THIRD = $100
Each additional entry in this SAME category, $10, not to exceed 5 total submissions.GUIDELINES FOR CARPE VERBUM ESSAY/NON-FICTION AWARD
FIRST = $300 / SECOND = $200 / THIRD = $100
Each additional entry in this SAME category, $10, not to exceed 5 total submissions.GUIDELINES FOR “MAKE A SCENE!” SCREENWRITING COMPETITION
The contest is open to all screenwriters, both professional and aspiring. Submit either the opening scene of a feature-length script or the full text of a short film. The submission may not be optioned, in development, in production, or produced, as the award is intended to provide exposure for a project the writer is developing. Submitting artist must have full rights to the original work. If the submission is optioned or placed in production before the winner is announced it will be disqualified and the writer should provide us notification. All genres are considered. We are simply looking for the writer with the best ability to capture a scene. There is a 20 page limit and the winning entries (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will receive total cash awards of $1,400 ($700, $400 and $300) along with publication in the next issue of Carpe Articulum Literary Review. A judging/reading fee of $29 should accompany each submission. Screenwriters may present multiple independent submissions, not to exceed 3 total packages.All submissions should be formatted to industry standards. The title page should include the author’s name, address, telephone number, email, entry title, and contest name.
All work must be original, and by submitting the piece, the author gives rights to the Carpe Articulum Literary Review to print the work and to use it on the web or other media. All rights revert back to the author.
No manuscripts will be returned, see winner’s announcements in the magazine or on the website.
Only electronic entries are accepted. Send entries in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx file extension) to Editor-in-Chief@CarpeArticulum.com
This contest will award a winner, as the judge believes it is unethical to not do so.
An entry fee of $29 must accompany the manuscript. All reader’s fees are non-refundable. Fees can be paid online via PayPal, or by check or money order payable to Carpe Articulum Literary Review sent via regular or special mail to The Carpe Articulum “Make a Scene” Screenwriting Award, P.O. Box 409, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034.
All Submissions MUST be postmarked by the deadline, NOVEMBER 30 ANNUALLY, in order to be considered. International submissions welcome. Electronic submissions accepted and encouraged as .doc files to Editor-in-Chief@CarpeArticulum.com (must be accompanied by site registration and judging fee). By submitting work to Carpe Articulum, author/artist acknowledges, accepts and agrees to all rules and terms of service as listed on the website www.CarpeArticulum.com.
For those under 18, grades 6-12 by US StandardsNo Reading Fee
Genre: Poetry or Short Fiction (under 20 pages)
Due date: February 1, annually
FIRST = $500 / SECOND = $300 / THIRD = $200Entrant must be sponsored by a teacher in a traditional high school or middle school classroom. Sponsoring teacher’s contact information must be included on the entry cover sheet along with entrant’s parent or legal guardian’s signature authorizing and releasing entry and acceptance of Carpe Articulum’s Terms and Conditions as stated on the website and on behalf of the student. NO AUTHOR NAME may appear on the work itself. By entering, parties are also acknowledging the acceptance of the site’s conditions and terms of service.
Student’s parent(s) full contact information is required as well as the school attending at time of entry. Statement of the parents’ and student’s signed willingness and intention to use award money to furthering the student’s post-high school education (either in a collegiate setting or trade schools). Teacher must acknowledge that any funds awarded will be used for the classroom and/or educational projects.
No single entry may be longer than 20 pages double-spaced. All other rules apply as outlined in the submissions/rules section on the website for Poetry or Short Fiction. Entries must be sent both ELECTRONICALLY as a .doc file, with the scanned signatures mentioned above, and via REGULAR MAIL. These can be sent in one package per classroom by the teacher.
Submit entry electronically to: Editor-in-Chief@CarpeArticulum.com
Mail entry to:
Carpe Articulum Literary Review
Attn: Youth Truth Writing Award
P.O. Box 409
Lake Oswego, OR 97034