Cave Canem Poetry Prize
Established in 1999, this first-book award is dedicated to the discovery of exceptional manuscripts by African American poets. The participation of distinguished judges and prominent literary presses has made this prize highly competitive.
2011 Winner: Nicole Terez Dutton for If One of Us Should Fall, selected by Patricia Smith.
2011 Honorable Mention: Lauren K. Alleyne for What Kept Us.
2012 Competition
Final Judge: Major Jackson
Reading period opens March 15, 2012
Deadline to submit: April 30, 2012
Entry Fee: $15
Application Guidelines | Submit Online
DEADLINE: April 30, 2012. No submissions accepted before March 15, 2012.
ENTRY FEE: $15 non-refundable
AWARD: Winner receives $1,000, publication by Graywolf Press in fall 2013, 15 copies of the book, and a feature reading.
FINAL JUDGE: Major Jackson (Judge reserves the right not to select a winner or honorable mentions.)
ELIGIBILITY: African American writers who have not had a full-length book of poetry published
by a professional press. Authors of chapbooks and self-published books with a maximum print run of 500 may apply. Simultaneous submission to other book awards should be noted: immediate notice upon winning such an award is required. Winner agrees to be present in the continental United States at her or his own expense shortly after the book is published in order to participate in promotional reading(s).
• Submit manuscripts online at
• One manuscript per poet allowed.
• Upload manuscript as a .doc or .pdf document. Must include a cover sheet with the title only and
table of contents. Author’s name should not appear on any pages within the uploaded document. • Cover letter should include author’s brief bio (200 words, maximum) and list of acknowledg-
ments of previously published poems.
• Manuscript must be paginated, with a font size of 11 or 12, and 50-75 pages in length, inclusive of
title page and table of contents. A poem may be multiple pages, but no more than one poem per
page is permitted.
• Manuscripts not adhering to submission guidelines will not be considered. • Post-submission revisions or corrections are not permitted.
Cave Canem Foundation, Inc. | 20 Jay Street, Suite 310-A, Brooklyn, NY 11201 |