PUB: cfp: Dealing with Crisis: Community, Alternative, Citizens’ and Social Media in Times of Change > Feminist Memory

cfp: Dealing with Crisis:

Community, Alternative, Citizens’ and

Social Media in Times of Change


Dealing with Crisis: Community, Alternative, Citizens’ and Social Media
in Times of Change

An OURMedia event in collaboration with the Community Communication Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the Global Communication and Social Change Division of the International Communication Association (ICA), the Community Radio Forum of Ireland (CRAOL), and Irish community media activists

JUNE 24-25, 2013

‘Crisis’ has become the word most widely used to describe our shared
global condition. Crisis highlights the urgency for change and for
alternatives to established political, economic and media practices. For
alternative, community, citizens’ and social justice media makers,
crisis brings together many of the themes usually considered – from
inequality of all kinds to ecological destruction, the need for
political transformation and reconciliation.

The dominant media and news services are facing their own crises, and
especially their failure to change the corporate commercial model and
adapt to technological change. Non-profit media provide useful
alternative models; citizens’ media have long demonstrated inclusive
forms of user participation; and online activist projects have offered
crucial solutions for crisis communication. But crises are also
affecting grassroots media and communications organizations as their
already precarious resource bases shrink further. And with social
justice movements and citizens increasingly moving to commercial social
networking platforms for their communication needs, the classic
collective forms and relevance of alternative and community media are
themselves challenged.

The various dimensions of crisis and change deserve closer investigation
from the perspective of grassroots, participatory, civil society-based,
community, alternative, radical and citizens’ media. The 2013
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference provides an important opportunity. Under the theme “Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication Orders”, it will run from June 25-29 at Dublin City University in Ireland. This
OURMedia event will be held as a pre-conference to the IAMCR meeting,
and will also connect with the International Communication Association
(ICA) conference in London, UK, 17-21 June 2013.

Questions that will be discussed include the following:

• Reporting crisis: How do community, alternative and citizens’ media
engage with crisis messages? How do they spotlight the kinds of
political, economic, ecological and social crises that affect the
majority but continue to be marginalized by dominant media? How do they
highlight the effects of the crisis?

• Building alternatives: Are alternative forms of media – including
participatory, commons-based and non-commercial media – the answer to
the media crisis? How are people using grassroots and citizens’ media to
develop calls for social/ economic/political change, and share them
locally and around the world?

• Dealing with social division: How are grassroots alternative and
citizens’ media dealing with the increasing social divisions exacerbated
by the global crises and the pursuit of austerity policies? What kinds
of programming and innovative forms of media activism are helping to
bridge gaps related to the treatment, for example, of immigrants and the
poor, and of persistent racism and sexism?

• Practical crises of ‘our media’: How does the financial crisis affect
community media? How can we develop models for sustainable citizens’
communication? What are the most pressing political and policy problems
and openings for change? Are activist groups and social movements
increasingly using commercial online platforms instead of self-organised

• Conceptual crises of ‘our media’: With the rise of DIY social media
and p2p communication, how do our traditional understandings of
community and alternative media need to be revised? How do we examine
the move from commons-based community media to corporate social media?

Are collective self-organised forms of alternative media still relevant?
How do we re-think concepts of citizens’ participation, the commons, etc.?

• Towards new media models: What innovative approaches exist to connect the ideas and experiences of commons-based community media with new social media and emerging forms of digital (counter) culture? How can we create effective hybrid media types, cross-platform connections, and alternative forms of social networking?


This event will bring together academics and practitioners, scholars and
activists, researchers and advocates. It will include academic paper
presentations, skill-sharing workshops, strategy meetings, and public
debates. Its components and activities will depend on the proposals that
you submit!


We call for a variety of proposals:

1. Academic paper presentation: Submit a 300-500 word abstract on one of the conference themes.

2. Panel discussions and workshops: Submit a statement of purpose
(300-500 words), and a list of panel participants. We are particularly
interested in innovative forms of sessions that allow for constructive
collective debate among all participants.

3. Video screenings, technical showcases, webcasts, music and theatrical
performances and public/street art: The event should include a wider
range of practical presentations and activities. Please submit a 300-500
word statement of purpose and a description of activities, as well as
any infrastructure requirements (space, projectors, etc.).

Deadline for submissions: 28 February 2013.

Submit proposals to the following email address:

This 2-day event will be held as a pre-conference to the annual IAMCR
conference. Please consider also to submit paper proposals to the
Community Communication Section of the IAMCR, where the discussion on these and other topics will continue.

Information on IAMCR

Dublin Conference:

IAMCR Community Communication: