PUB: CFP: Diaspora in East-Central Africa: histories of memory, mobility and belonging > SocioLingo Africa

CFP: Diaspora in East-Central Africa:

histories of memory, mobility

and belonging


(ECAS Lisbon, 27-29 June 2013)

Panel @ ECAS 2013 – Lisbon – 27-29 June 2013

Diaspora in East-Central Africa Deadline: 6 February 2013

Geert Castryck (University of Leipzig) <>
Achim von Oppen (University of Bayreuth) <>

Short Abstract
This panel engages with diaspora in East-Central Africa, notably around the Great Lakes. (Trans)local connectedness rather than origin is the starting point to understand diaspora as process. Historical case studies as well as methodological and theoretical reflections are welcome.

Long Abstract
Studies on African diasporas are still mainly focused on communities of African origin outside of Africa, or on communities of Indian, Arab or European descent in Africa. This panel particularly pays attention to diaspora groups from Africa who settled in another part of the continent. The panel looks at different types of diasporic community in
one particular region, namely East-Central Africa, with its remarkable history of population movements, and situates them in their particular (local and translocal) historical contexts. Focusing on the wider area around the African Great Lakes, which is criss-crossed by national, colonial and ecological borders and where commercial, language and religious spheres intersect, allows us to engage with the dynamics of diasporas on the ground while, at the same time, offering instructive contributions to the mainstream of diaspora studies. We take the locality of residence rather than memories or myths of origin as starting points to tackle diaspora as process. Aspects of diaspora lifeworlds, including relations to their living environments, shifting relations to their (alleged or real) ‘homeland’, and expressions of belonging expressed, inter alia, in popular culture,
religion or associational life, are important subjects to be explored. We invite empirical approaches with a historical dimension and a (trans)local focus, addressing the making and perhaps unmaking of diaspora communities around the Great Lakes. We also welcome reflections on the methodological challenges of historicizing diasporas in the
East-Central African context in general.

Please upload your proposal (title, 300 characters short abstract and
250 words long abstract) on <> Also send it via e-mail to the panel conveners (uploading on the ECAS
website remains, however, compulsory). Because of some technical issues during the regular Call for Papers, this panel was not visible at first. It now is the only ECAS-panel still open for paper proposals, with an extended deadline set on 6 February 2013.

Dr. Geert Castryck
Universität Leipzig

Institut für Afrikanistik
Beethovenstraße 15
DE – 04107 Leipzig
+ 49 (0)341 – 97 37032

Centre for Area Studies
Thomaskirchhof 20
DE – 04109 Leipzig
+ 49 (0)341 – 97 37889