The Chelsea Awards for Poetry & Short Fiction
| Guidelines
Manuscript requirements
Manuscripts must be typed. Fiction must be double-spaced with standard margins; poetry must be single-spaced. The writer’s name should not appear on the manuscript itself. Instead, include in a single, separate cover sheet with title(s), name, address, telephone number, plus email address. No submissions or queries will be accepted by phone, fax, or email. Only previously unpublished work is eligible, and the manuscript should not be under consideration elsewhere, or scheduled for book publication within eight months of the competition deadline. Manuscripts cannot be returned. Manuscripts that do not conform to the guidelines will be destroyed unread.For the Poetry Competition: Submit 4-6 poems. The entire entry should not exceed 500 lines. The editors look for overall excellence; it is not necessary that the poems be related thematically.
Annual deadline: postmarked by December 15.For the Fiction Competition: Send only one work of fiction. The manuscript should not exceed 30 typed pages, or about 7,500 words. The editors welcome both traditional and experimental fiction.
Annual deadline: postmarked by June 15.Entry Fee
An entry fee of $15 is required, for which entrants will receive one copy of Chelsea. Please make fee payable to Chelsea Associates, Inc. (N.B.: be sure to notify editors promptly about any changes of address, since the post office will not automatically forward copies of the magazine.)Announcement of winners
Winners will be announced about two months after each deadline. Include an SASE for notification of competition results.Mail entries to:
Chelsea Awards Competition
PO Box 773, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276-0773