PUB: Children and War « J.L. POWERS

Children and War

J.L. Powers,

 May 17, 2010

 Children and War

(working title)

 When American politicians mention the “hidden costs” of war, they are referring to inflation, higher taxes, and medical care for veterans of U.S. wars. Even when we invoke images of human suffering, children and teenagers are often the forgotten part of the story.

Yet who can forget images of the Vietnam “baby lift,” when Amer-Asian children were flown out of Vietnam to the U.S. to be adopted by American families? Who can forget the horror of learning that Iranian children were being sent on suicide missions to clear landmines?[1] Who wasn’t captivated by stories of the “lost boys” of Sudan, who traveled thousands of miles alone through the desert, seeking shelter and safety?

Children, like adults, lose their homes and families during war. They may travel for miles, alone or with others. They become refugees and victims of rape; they are recruited as soldiers; they suffer from PTSD, starvation, malnutrition, disease, and disability. In a recent report, UNICEF stated that from 1985-1995, over 2 million children had been killed in war; 4-5 million had been left disabled; over 12 million had become homeless; more than 1 million had been orphaned or separated from their parents; and over 10 million suffered psychological trauma.[2] Their experiences affect the next generation as well.

This anthology, to be published by Cinco Puntos Press in 2012, will explore all angles of children’s and teenagers’ experiences in war. The core of the book will be personal essays, memoirs, journalistic accounts, and historical narratives, both previously published and original pieces. It may also include photos, artwork, posters, and other debris that depicts the effects of war on children and teens. Though the book will be primarily non-fiction, we may include some fiction, and we are willing to consider pieces about both current and past wars. “War” is defined liberally to include both “official,” declared wars as well as secret, unofficial wars, such as those carried out by governments on civilians in places like Chile, Argentina, and Zimbabwe. All submissions, queries, and suggestions should be sent to J.L. Powers at by June 1, 2011. Pieces of up to 6500 words are fine. If a piece has a higher word count, please email and ask me about it–exceptions can be made. All acceptances are conditional. The publisher exercises final editorial control over which pieces will be included. All contributors will receive payment.

[1] Steven Stalinsky, “Iran’s Top Strategist, In His Own Words,” The Sun (New York) 14 February 2007.

[2] UNICEF, “The State of the World’s Children 1996,”