Children's Story Competition
We are delighted to announce that Eve White from Eve White: Literary Agent will judge this year's Children's Story Competition.
Eve White has an impressive list of authors at her agency, including Andy Stanton, writer of the wonderful Mr Gum series and Tracey Corderoy, author of many works including 'Frog and Mouse', 'Brave Little Penguin' and 'The Grunt and The Grunch' series.
Take a peak at Eve's website to view her current list of authors, their latest books and much, much more.
Here's a chance to enter our Children's Story Competition and win cash prizes with your short stories. Send us your original and unpublished writing in no more than 1000 words using one of the five titles below:
- The Enchanted Rainforest
- The Accident
- Finders Keepers
- The Family Next Door
- Mission to the Moon
You can create your own title and story or you can use a story you've written before that matches these titles above.
The best stories, in each of the four age categories, will win these top prizes, plus see their work in print in our Children's Story Book.
£150 1st Prize
£75 2nd Prize
£50 3rd Prize
Plus the school, college or youth club which submits the best overall entries receives a trophy and £200 worth of books.
The winning stories will feature alongside the winning drawings and sketches from the Young Illustrator's Competition in the Children's Story Book.
The entry fee is £5 per story and you can enter as many times as you like along with the correct entry fee for each story. All entries must be in English and can be either hand written or typed.
Schools, colleges and youth clubs can submit group entries of up to 20 stories for £60.
Here are the four age categories:
Category 1
- 7 to 9 year olds
Category 2
- 10 to 12 year olds
Category 3
- 13 to 15 year olds
Category 4
- 16 to 18 year olds
The last day for stories to be sent in to us is at midnight on
Monday 31 October 2011
All entries must include your contact details and story title(s) on a separate sheet. Your name must not appear anywhere on your story.
Stories and payment can also be sent to us online. You will first need permission. Ask a parent or guardian to do this bit for you.
To pay online click the button below
Send your entry online by clicking here
For schools, colleges or youth clubs, please click here to download the school's submission form. All group entries and payment must be sent to us by post only. Our postal address is Chapter One Promotions, Canterbury Court, 1-3 Brixton Road, London, SW9 6DE, England.
More Information:
The competition is open to schools, colleges, youth clubs and children in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the Channel Isles. We also accept entries from individuals, including English Nationals living abroad, and English speakers residing within the Commonwealth and from around the world. If English is not your first language, and you would like to enter, then please note that all entries must be in English.
Entries are also accepted from individuals who are home educated.
- Choose a story title that fires your imagination;
- Plot out how the story begins, what happens in the middle and how your story will end;
- Be descriptive and create interesting characters and intriguing situations for them to be in;
- Always re-read your story before submitting it to make sure there are no spelling mistakes;
- If you are hand writing your story do make it as neat as possible.
On a separate sheet tell us your name, address, e-mail address (if you have one), name of your school/college/youth club and story title(s).
Your name must not be on your story.
You may enter as many times as you like as long as you include the correct entry fee with each story.
Important bit:
The last day to send your stories in by is Monday 31 October 2011 . All entries must be in our offices before or on this date. If you would like to know if we have received your story, then please include a 2nd class stamped addressed postcard with your story title and name on it and we will sign it and send it back to you.
The winners will be announced at the end of January 2012 on our website and we will publish the winners, the top ten excellent stories and some really good ones in the Children's Story Book which you can purchase from us. Only the winner's first name, age and area that they live in will be displayed on the website. For example: Angel, aged 14, Bristol.
If you would like a list of the winners and the winning school then please send a 2nd class stamped addressed envelope marked, ‘Kid's Korner Children's Story Competition Winners 2011'.
Send your entries and payment to Kid's Korner Children's Story Competition, Chapter One Promotions, Canterbury Court, 1-3 Brixton Road, London, SW9 6DE, England. Please make your cheque or postal order out to Chapter One Promotions.
If you have any questions then you can call us on 0845 456 5364 or e-mail us with your query.
Please read the competition guidelines for the rules before entering the competition.
We look forward to reading your stories.
Good Luck!