PUB: Cloudbank

Cloudbank is now accepting poetry submissions for Cloudbank 5.

A prize of $200 will be awarded for one poem or short prose piece.

Address for submissions:
PO Box 610
Corvallis, Oregon 97339-0610

The deadline for contest submissions is April 30, 2011.



  1. The contest fee is $15.00 The check should be made out to Cloudbank. All writers who enter the contest will receive a one-year (two-issue) subscription to Cloudbank magazine. (Your subscription will start with the next issue of Cloudbank, unless you request the current issue.)
  2. Submissions without payment will also be considered for publication, but will not be eligible for the prize. We read submissions year-round.
  3. Please do not send more than five poems or short prose pieces (500 words or less) for either the contest or regular submissions. The $15 fee covers up to five poems.
  4. For contest submissions, the writer’s name, address, e-mail address, and the titles of the poems being submitted should be typed on a cover sheet only, not on the pages of poems or short fiction. For non-contest submissions, the writer’s name and address should appear on each page.
  5. We do not accept electronic submissions.
  6. The submitted work may not have been published elsewhere.
  7. Simultaneous submissions: Please let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
  8. Your submissions will not be returned. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) so that we can notify you of acceptance.
  9. Feel free to send prose poems, reviews, essays on poetry, short fiction (500 words max.). We are open to all types of quality writing.
10. For those who do not enter the contest, one-year (two-issue) subscriptions to Cloudbank magazine are $15.00. Individual copies are $8.
11. Two contributors’ copies will be sent to writers whose work appears in the magazine. 
12. If you already have a subscription and want to enter the contest, your subscription will be renewed for two more issues.

Address any questions to:
Michael Malan
Cloudbank, PO Box 610,
Corvallis, Oregon 97339-0610