PUB: College English Association-Caribbean Chapter Conference: “On Exile. . .” « Repeating Islands

College English Association

-Caribbean Chapter Conference:

“On Exile. . .”

The College English Association-Caribbean Chapter (CEA-CC) announces its Spring 2012 Conference—“On Exile and its Variations”—to be held at University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo on March 23-24, 2012. The deadline for proposals is December 12, 2011.

The CEA’s Caribbean Chapter welcomes proposals for 20-minute presentations related to the 2012 theme “On Exile and its Variations.” The organizers look forward to papers that examine the condition of exile through its varied representations in art, literature, film and other media. Themes may include, but are not restricted to: the aesthetics of exile, the politics of exile, ethnic and exile literature, nation/homeland and exile, exile and return, exile and trauma, exile and its discontents, exile and transgression, the pleasures of exile, women and exile, exile and the body, exile and the diasporas, exile and transnationalism.

Please send 200 to 250-word proposal as part of a text message (not as an attachment) to by December 12, 2011. For panel proposals, please submit one abstract that includes all presenters’ names and contact information. This single proposal may be up to 750 words depending on the number of presenters on the proposed panel. All accepted presenters are required to become members of the Caribbean Chapter of the College English Association. Conference registration is included in the membership fee.

Photo: Anaida Hernández’s interactive installation, “Loaded Dices”

For more information, see