PUB: Competition - Baskalier Publishing

Poetry Anthology Competition 2011

The 2011 Baskalier Poetry Competition is now open for submissions.


In keeping with the vision of uniting adults and children from around the world in expressing their viewpoints on global scientific issues through creative writing, this year's poetry competition theme is FRAGILE EARTH


Closing date 30th September 2011.


There are two categories: Individual (age 16+) and Schools (age 11-15), with entries welcomed from around the world.


Poems must be 40 lines or less and must be your own original work. Traditional, contemporary, serious, humourous; the choice is yours. 


Translations and poems that have been previously published in any media or are under consideration with another publisher are not eligible for this competition.



The Prizes:


Individual category (age 16+):


1st:  £50  + 5 copies of the anthology



2nd:  £30 + 5 copies of the anthology



3rd:   £20 + 2 copies of the anthology



Upto 20 shortlisted poems will also be published.



Schools Category(age 11-15):


1st:  £30 book token



2nd: £20 book token



3rd:  £10 book token


The winning schools will also recieve a half day author visit from Karen J Jones and five copies of the anthology featuring their students' poems.  



Entry forms and rules can be down loaded here



Last year's debut poetry competition anthology, 'Extinction', has been a huge success to date, so congratulations and many thanks to the poets who have made this possible. Winning poems were submitted from the UK, Ireland, France, USA and New Zealand.


Copies of 'Extinction: An Anthology of Poems' can be purchased from the Web Store (rrp £6.95).