Complete Guidelines:
$20,000 Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa
- Fourth Edition (Africa-wide)
Deadline: 20 November 2011The Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa was established by The Lumina Foundation in 2005. It was conceived as a very prestigious prize in honour of Africa’s first Nobel Laureate in literature to celebrate excellence in all its cerebral grace, its liberating qualities, the honour and recognition it brings to a myriad of people, of diverse cultures and languages. This prize honours people who have used their talents well enough to affect others positively. It honours Africa’s great writers and causes their works to be appreciated. It celebrates excellent writing, promotes scholarship and makes books available and affordable by subsidizing the publication of books in the top list of the judges.
This is a pan African prize, viewed also as Africa’s NOBEL prize. It unifies Africans, celebrates Africa’s great minds, brings home Africa’s best intellectuals as judges, entertainers, great communicators and leaders in their own rights.
It was designed to be The African prize with a lot of artistic features symbolising the Soyinka personae, as a distinguished intellectual, a conscientious and sensitive writer, a lover of the arts and humanities and a stickler for excellence, good governance, equity and justice.
Any excellently written book by an African in any genre may qualify for this award.The book to be submitted must have been published within two years preceding the year of the prize being sought for but not during the year of the prize being sought for.
Ten copies of each eligible book should be submitted by the Publisher. Books can only be submitted by Publishers.
Only published works are eligible and can only be submitted in its published form.
For a book to be eligible, it must be written either in English or French.
The publisher must not submit more than three titles. This could be from either the same author or different authors.
The Publisher may submit either paperback or hard cover along with author's photo and resume.
Only African authors living in any part of the world are eligible for this prize. By African authors, we mean authors from African countries. We are adopting for the purpose of this prize, the geographical description of African countries and their boundaries. In other words, only citizens of African countries are considered eligible for this prize.
Books published anywhere in the world may qualify for this award provided that they are written by Africans.
Books that have won other awards are eligible for this prize.
Books that have been short listed for other awards may be submitted for this prize.
The Foundation began to receive entries for the 2012 edition of Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa on July 2011. The deadline for submission is November 20, 2011. All entries must be received at The Lumina secretariat, before November 20, 2011.
Entries must be accompanied with completed entry form, the author’s photwo (Portrait), author’s biodata and the Publisher’s resume
All entries should be sent to The Lumina Foundation, Blue House. No 19 Unilag Road, Akoka, Yaba Lagos, Nigeria.
The short listed books will be reproduced by The Lumina Foundation to make them more affordable and available.
Download entry/participation forms:
Entry Form >>
Participation forms for:
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Contact Information:For inquiries: enquiry@luminafoundationsoyinkaprize.com
For submissions: The Lumina Foundation, Blue House. No 19 Unilag Road, Akoka, Yaba Lagos, Nigeria