Copper Nickel is pleased to announce its second annual contests in poetry and fiction.
The poetry contest will be judged by Kevin Prufer, author of National Anthem. The winner will receive $1000 and publication in Copper Nickel 17 in Spring 2012.
The fiction contest will be judged by Daniel Alarcon, author of Lost City Radio. The winner will receive $1000 and publication in Copper Nickel 17 in Spring 2012.
The contest is open to anyone. Writers may submit either one story (no word limit) or up to three poems with an entry fee. Each entrant also receives a one year subscription to Copper Nickel with each entry. For writers living in the United States or Canada the fee is $15US.
Writers living outside the US or Canada, please contact us via e-mail at element29[at]copper-nickel[dot]org for a fee schedule and alternative payment methods.-->HOW TO SUBMIT
Tendering your manuscript: submit your manuscript using our submission manager system (please note this is a different portal from our normal submission manager portal). http://www.copper-nickel.org/contest/smgr/index.php.-->
Even if you have submitted to Copper Nickel before, you will have to re-register to submit to the contest. This only takes about 2 minutes, and it ensures your manuscript will not be lost.
Tendering your entry fee. There are two ways to pay, by check or by Paypal. We prefer that you pay by check, if at all possible, but the Paypal option is there if you wish to use it.
To pay by check or money order, make your payment in US dollars payable to "University of Colorado," write the title of your entry on the memo line, and mail it to us here:
Department of English
ATTN: Copper Nickel
Campus Box 175
P O Box 173364
Denver CO 80217-3364
We will discard entries without associated entry fees on April 15, 2011.
If you wish to pay via Paypal, put your title in the box below and click to submit your payment via Paypal (will take you to the Paypal site):
Who will be vetting the entries? The faculty editors of Copper Nickel, including Brian Barker, Nicky Beer, Jennifer S. Davis, and Jake Adam York, will select the pool of finalists.
How many finalists will be named? Approximately 10-15 in each genre.
Can I submit more than one entry? Certainly. Additional entries are welcome, each with its own entry fee. If you submit more than one entry, we will simply extend your subscription, unless you direct us to send the additional subscriptions elsewhere.
Are there word or page limits for stories? No.
When must my entry fee arrive? As long as it's postmarked by March 31st, all is well. We will conduct an internal audit on April 10th and inform any author whose entry fee has not arrived.