PUB: Contest - Poetica Publishing Company

Annual Chapbook Contest Rules

"The Spirit of Nature" 



1st place - 50 copies and $100.00 check
Up-to five Honorable Mention 

(each chapbook is priced at $13.00
total award $750.00)

Final Judge:
Michal Mahgerefteh


Official Rules: 

- Submit 16-24 pages of poetry.

- Submit manuscripts between January 1st - June 1st

- No name should appear on poems.

- Send two cover pages:

       ~ One cover page clipped to poems, with title only, no identifying information.

       ~ One separate cover page to contain title, name, address, phone and e-mail.

       ~ You may include biographical information.

- Include contents page/acknowledgments of any previously published poems

- Please do not submit a manuscript that has been previously published.

- Include $15.00 reading fee (PayPal or check/money order)

- Include SASE for results / or we will notify by email.

- Authors retain all rights to their work—authors must own all rights to their work.

- No manuscripts will be returned. We shred and recycle all unused work. 

- All entrants will receive one copy of the winning manuscript." type="hidden" />


Please mail to:

Poetica Publishing
2011 Chapbook Contest
P.O. Box 11014
Norfolk, VA 23517