contest submission guidelines
Short Short Fiction to us means less than 500 words.
Open to all writers.
Age and previous book publication are not considerations for eligibility.
Work published in periodicals may be included in the manuscript.
Please, no submissions from students or close friends of the editors.
Reading Fee
$15 entry fee must come with EACH entry by deadline or entries will not be considered.
Manuscripts will NOT be returned.
Pay online! You can pay by credit or debit online. (You cannot submit your manuscript online if you need to pay by check. You will need to send your submission/payment via postal mail.)
Manuscript format:
- between 20 and 30 pages
- must be typed (clear photocopies are fine)
- (for mail submissions only) 2 title pages: 1- title with contact info. 2- book title only
- A biographical profile/cover page is not necessary.
**FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS: There is no need to submit 2 title pages. Simply submit the manuscript with an anonymous title page online. Your contact info is with your submission (though the readers are not able to access this information). Do not put your name in the title. Do not include an acknowledgments page. Right? Right.
The winner will receive $250 and copies of the winning chapbook.
The winning chapbook will be a high quality printing with letterpress cover.
Deadline for submission is a May 31, 2012 postmark.