Big Fish Online Contest:
Flash Fiction and Prose Poetry
open October 1 – November 1
A prize of $200 and online publication will be given for the best piece of writing under 500 words that we receive. Flash fiction, short-shorts, micro-prose, prose poems, poetic prose, just plain short stories–whatever you call your briefest prose pieces, send them our way. The contest winner will be chosen by the CutBank editorial staff and announced on our website on December 1. All submissions will be considered for both online publication and print publication in CutBank. Submissions must be accompanied by a $9 submission fee.
Montana Prize in Fiction,
Montana Prize in Creative Nonfiction,
and Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry
Open December 1 – February 28
Submissions for all contests are accepted December 1, 2011 through February 28, 2012. Winners receive $500 and publication in CutBank 75. All submissions will be considered for publication in CutBank. The contests’ $17 entry fee includes a one-year, two-issue subscription to CutBank, beginning with the prize issue, CutBank 75.
Please send only your best work. With all three of these awards, we are seeking to highlight work that showcases an authentic voice, a boldness of form, and a rejection of functional fixedness. Judges will be announced in fall 2011.