Meridian’s 2012 Editors’ Prize Contests
– Fiction and Poetry
MERIDIAN will begin accepting online entries for its Editors’ Prize Contests in fiction and poetry starting in late October or early November. Deadline: midnight, Dec. 30, 2011. Genre winners receive a $1,000 prize and publication; all entries receive a one-year electronic subscription. Entry fee: $8.00.
Please note a few changes in our 2012 contest:
1) Our entry fee is now only $8
2) Entrants receive an electronic version of the journal (.pdf or ePub) rather than a print subscription
3) We are only allowing two submissions per entrantWe believe this lower cost contest model is better for you, and better for us. Rather than having you pay substantial entry fees to cover the cost of a print subscription (and mailing fees), we’re trying a lower $8 entry fee and will e-mail you an electronic version of the January and May 2011 issues. Fewer trees, less cost … and we’ll still have print-on-demand versions of Meridian for those who like to keep things tangible.
We expect to announce winners toward the end of March or early April.
All submissions will be considered for publication in Meridian.
Fiction writers may submit one story of 10,000 words or fewer. Poets may submit up to 4 poems totaling 10 pages or fewer.
You may only submit two entries (we begin to feel exploitive when people submit eight times and don’t get in print … just send your one [or two] best submissions).
Submit your work through ManuscriptHub.com. Make sure that your account includes a working e-mail (one valid through March of the contest year). It’s the only way for us to contact you.
Best of luck!
Contest Eligibility Rules:
- UVA alumni who graduated after June 2008 are NOT eligible.
- UVA MFA students and alumni are NOT eligible.
- Current UVA students, staff, and faculty are NOT eligible.
- Former Meridian staff are not eligible. (If you’ve ever been on our masthead, don’t enter.)
- Friends, relatives, and former teachers and students of current Meridian staff or its advisor are not eligible.
- Our Meridian Editors’ Prize winners from 2005 and after are not eligible to enter, even if their win was in another genre.
- Authors with two or more published books are not eligible. This does not include chapbook publication. This does include self-published books (If it’s been for sale and it was not a chapbook, it counts). You may enter our fiction contest if your published books were in poetry, and vice versa.
- Current subscribers may enter the Editors’ Prize Contest for the same $8 fee.