PUB: Contests - The Aurorean


P. O. Box 187, Farmington, ME 04938
207-778-0467 E-mail:

The Aurorean offers four contests each issue.


  1. Seasonal Poetic Quote: in each issue, you’ll find a short seasonal quote submitted by an Aurorean reader to get you in the spirit of the season (Spring/Summer; Fall/Winter). The hope, too, is that perhaps you’ll be inspired to read more of the poet to whom the quote is attributed.  Best of all, if your quote is chosen, you’ll receive two copies of the issue in which your quote appears!

    To submit a quote:  submit four lines maximum from not-too-obscure poet. Cite source for verification. Seasonal (Spring/Summer; Fall/Winter) quotes please.  Deadlines:  2/15 and 8/15 respectively. Winner each issue receives two copies. Entries cannot be returned/acknowledged.

  2. Editors' Chapbook Choice: In each issue, the editors picks one poetry chapbook or book of poetry to recommend as “Editor’s Choice.” Authors of poetry books/chapbooks are invited to submit for consideration. (The editors do not review books; please do not send books for review; materials sent in error cannot be returned).

    Submit: your chapbook/book of poetry published in the last 6 months with ordering and contact information. To give everyone a fair read, we prefer those under 50 pages. Deadlines: 2/15 and 8/15 for Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter, respectively. Editors pick one per issue to recommend (not a review). Entries cannot be returned or acknowledged.

  3. Best-Poem-of-Last-Issue. For each issue, an independent judge chooses the “Best Poem” from the previous issue. “Best Poem” winners receive $30. 

  4. Creative Writing Student Outstanding Haiku Contest. Undergraduate and graduate Creative Writing Students (across the U.S.) are invited to submit haiku for this student-only contest. One winner will be chosen each issue. Submissions welcome on ongoing basis; same deadlines as above. Submissions do NOT have to be received during academic semesters. To be eligible, entrants MUST be Creative Writing majors.

    There is no fee to enter.

    Submitters are encouraged to be as familiar as possible with the haiku form and its history by perusing contemporary literary journals that publish haiku and other resources. (We recommend How to Haiku by Bruce Ross, 2002, Tuttle Publishing).

    Winner each issue receives $10, publication of his/her haiku in the Aurorean as well as three copies of the issue, and an award certificate.

    Deadlines: February 15th and August 15th, respectively for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues. (Entries must be received—not postmarked—by deadline dates.)

    To be eligible, entries of one to five haiku (you may include more than one haiku per page), typewritten, must:

    • be sent to The Aurorean, P.O. Box 187, Farmington, ME 04938, ATTN: CWSOHC;
    • be received by deadline dates for consideration in respective issues;
    • include a signed, short cover letter stating where you are enrolled in a Creative Writing Program and that you are submitting your original, unpublished poetry;
    • not be submitted elsewhere while under this contest consideration;
    • include name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail on each page.

    Winners are notified by March 1st and September 1st respectively. If you would like to know that your entry has been received, state that in your cover letter and be sure to include your e-mail address, or a self-addressed stamped postcard. If you don’t receive winning notification by March 1st or September 1st, you may assume you are free to submit your work elsewhere. Entries cannot be returned. Submissions do not have to arrive during college semesters, but you MUST be enrolled in a Creative Writing degree program at the time of submission.

*Editor's tip: in my long experience judging poetry contests (Writer's Digest writing competition, unrhymed division, for example), it is more often than not lack of following contest rules to the letter that disqualifies entries rather than the content of entries.

Follow each contest's guidelines carefully

to give your entry its best chance!