PUB: Contest/Submissions « Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette


All submissions that include an e-mail address are automatically eligible for the Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Honorarium.  The honorarium is a cash award of $30.00 that is awarded to a writer whose flash fiction story epitomizes the kind of “show don’t tell” fiction The Gazette is looking for.  The honorarium will be awarded on November 1, 2010.  The contest ends on October 1, 2010.  The judgement of The Gazette is final.  The contest is open now, 02-17-10.  All stories published in The Gazette before this date are not eligible.  The winning writer will be sent the award by PayPal.  So, the winner must have a PayPal account.

The Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette is calling for short story submissions.  Submissions should be between 300 to 700 words long.  The words will be counted.  Type or paste the story in an email.  Attachments will not be opened.  Put ‘Flash Fiction” in the subject line or the email may be rejected as spam.  In the body of the email include the title, name of the author, word count and your email address.  At the end of the story add a one to three sentence bio in the third person and the URL to your homepage if you have one and want a link back to it.

Only send one story and wait for a reply before sending another story.

Submission does not mean acceptance.  Read a few of the stories in the sidebar on the right under “Great American Flash Fiction Stories To Read” to get an idea of the quality of the writing.  Be sure to format the story correctly for The Gazette: alignment to the left, single spaced, no indentations and one space between paragraphs.  This also means one space between dialogue that is spoken by different characters.  Rigorous proofreading counts.  Not following submission guidelines is enough reason for rejection.  Authors retain all rights.  The only payment is exposure in the Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette which publishes some of the best flash fiction on the Internet; and a chance of being awarded the Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Honorarium.  Good luck.

Send submissions to 

Guy Hogan