Call for Papers
43rd Annual Convention
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)March 15-18, 2012
Rochester, New York
The 43rd Annual Convention will feature approximately 350 sessions, as well as dynamic speakers and cultural events. Interested participants may submit abstracts to more than one NeMLA session; however, panelists can only present one paper (panel or seminar). Convention participants may present a paper at a panel and also present at a creative session or participate in a roundtable.
Abstract Deadline: September 30, 2011
Please include with your abstract:
- Name and Affiliation
- Email address
- A/V requirements ($10 handling fee with registration per person; two person per panel minimum for Media Projector)
Choose one of the following areas to see all associated sessions:
within the div. That's because the menu on this page is so long that it runs over the footer if the
- American
- British and Anglophone
- Canadian
- Comparative Languages
- Composition
- Creative Writing
- Cultural Studies and Film
- French and Francophone
- German
- Italian
- Pedagogy
- Professional
- Russian/Eastern European
- Spanish/Portuguese
- Theory and Literary Criticism
- Transnational Literatures
- Women’s and Gender Studies
- World Literatures (non-European)
is after the page. -->The Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) is a scholarly organization for professionals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and other modern languages. Use the site to learn more about us. For more information about NeMLA and its activities, contact nemlasupport@gmail.com; to report problems or ask questions about the web site, contact nemlaweb@gmail.com.