PUB: Crab Orchard Review's Annual Literary Contests

CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW's Annual Literary Contests:
The 2011 Richard Peterson Poetry Prize,
Jack Dyer Fiction Prize,
John Guyon Literary Nonfiction Prize

$ 1500 prize for Poetry     $ 1500 prize for Fiction      $ 1500 prize for Literary Nonfiction


We are pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2010 Jack Dyer Fiction Prize, John Guyon Literary Nonfiction Prize, and Richard Peterson Poetry Prize.

Here are the results for the literary prize competitions, as well as all the finalists and the judges:

In fiction, the winning entry is “Migration” by Shannon Sweetnam of Lake Forest, Illinois. In literary nonfiction, the winning entry is “On a Clear Day, Catalina” by Barrie Jean Borich of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In poetry, the winning entry is three poems—“Columbia,” “Passover,” and “The Least of Us”—by Jonathan Rice of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The finalists in fiction are "Canals" by Dionne Irving and “The Meaning of Red” by Kara Weiss. Finalists in literary nonfiction are “Opting Out” by Jacob M. Appel and “Lessons from Vietnam” by Brian M. Biggs. Finalists in poetry are three poems—“Vespers,” “Compline,” and “Vigils”—by Ryan Teitman and three poems—“Watermarks,” “Camino de la Luz,” and “Migrations”—by Mary Van Denend. The final judge for the fiction and literary nonfiction competitions was Carolyn Alessio, CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW’s prose editor. The final judge for the poetry competition was Allison Joseph, CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW’s poetry editor and editor-in-chief.

All three winners will receive $1500 and their winning entries will appear in CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW, Volume 15, Number 1 (Winter/Spring 2010). Also, the finalists will be announced to our readers in this issue and each finalist will be offered publication in the issue with a minimum payment of $150 (all work in CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW receives $25 per published page). Congratulations to the winners and finalists, and thanks to all the entrants for their interest in CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW.


One winner and two finalists will be chosen in each category. The three category winners will be published and the finalists offered publication (with a minimum payment of $150) in the Winter/Spring issue of CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW. The winners and finalists will also be announced in the March/April POETS & WRITERS and on the CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW Website.

Contest Guidelines — The postmark deadlines for this year's prize competitions are March 1, 2010 through April 30, 2010. Please do not send entries via FedEx, UPS, DHL, Express Mail--we don't want you to spend the extra amount when this is a POSTMARK deadline.

Entries must be previously unpublished, original work written in English by a United States citizen or permanent resident (current students and employees at Southern Illinois University Carbondale are not eligible). Name, address, telephone number, email address, and work title (or titles for poetry entries) should appear only on a cover sheet for the entry. The author's name should not appear on any subsequent page. All entries must be postmarked between March 1, 2010 and April 30, 2010. Late entries will be returned unread. Enclose a #10, self-addressed, stamped envelope for notification of winners. Do not include an envelope or postage for return of manuscript since entries will be recycled upon the decision of the final judges and notification of the winners.
Page Restrictions:

Poetry entries should consist of 3 poems; 100 line limit per poem. Prose entry length: up to 6000 words for fiction and up to 6500 words for literary nonfiction. One poetry entry, story, or essay per $10 entry; a writer may send up to three entries in one genre or a total of three entries if entering all competitions.

Entry fee: $10 for each entry. Please make checks payable to CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW. Each fee entitles entrant to one copy of the 2011 Winter/Spring issue of CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW, which will include the winners of these competitions. If you send two entries with $20, we will send you the 2011 Summer/Fall issue as well; if you send three entries with $30, we will send you the 2011 Summer/Fall issue and the 2012 Winter/Spring issue as well.


Mail entries to: CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW Literary Contests, Dept. of English, Mail Code 4503, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1000 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901. Please indicate on the outside of the envelope if an entry is "POETRY," "FICTION," or "LITERARY NONFICTION."

We do not at this time accept electronic submissions, but we hope in the future when we have our own server dedicated to submissions to offer this option. We will let you know when this becomes possible, but it is at least a year or more away given funding issues.



If you don’t find the information you’re looking for on our website, we can always be reached for information about subscriptions, current guidelines, upcoming themes, or contests by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Department of English
Faner Hall 2380 - Mail Code 4503
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
1000 Faner Drive
Carbondale, IL 62901

PHONE: 618-453-6833
FAX: 618-453-8224