Thank you for your interest in contributing to the cream city review. We are devoted to publishing memorable and energetic fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, by new and established writers. The magazine also features reviews of contemporary literature and criticism, as well as author interviews and artwork.
Please note that we are now only accepting submissions via our online submission management system. Submissions via mail or email will be discarded without response.We are guessing that you are becoming increasingly familiar with the system we utilize and its numerous conveniences for writers (like us), as well as the cost savings for postage and the immense reduction of paper used by both writers and publishers. You can find the link to the online submission management system further down this page – after reading our guidelines.**For now, submissions for our annual literary prizes will only be accepted via paper mail, due to the $15 entrant’s fee.**
The author’s name and address should appear on the first page of the manuscript or on each individual piece of artwork. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, as long as CCR is notified at the time of submission. We prefer that files be submitted in PDF, RTF, or DOC format. You may withdraw your own submissions via the submission management system; in the case of a partial withdrawal of a poem or poems, we request that you email our Poetry Editors at the address listed below. Be sure to keep a copy of your work, as CCR cannot be responsible for lost or damaged files.
You may include a few lines about your publication history and other information you think of interest. CCR seeks to publish not only a broad range of writings, but a broad range of writers with diverse backgrounds as well. Both beginning and well-established writers are welcome.
Reporting time is 2–8 months. We accept submissions for our annual theme issue from August 1 to November 1. General submissions are accepted from August 1 to November 1 and from December 1 to April 1. Our online submission management system will not allow submissions to be made at times outside of our reading periods. Contributors are given a one-year subscription to CCR beginning with the issue in which their work appears. Copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication, although CCR retains the right to republish in future issues of the magazine.
Fiction: Preferably fewer than thirty pages, although we occasionally consider longer material. Please submit no more than one story at a time.
Poetry: No length restrictions. Please submit no more than five poems at a time. When submitting using the online system, please include all poems in a single file.
Creative Nonfiction: We are interested in well-crafted creative nonfiction and personal essays, book reviews (from one to ten pages), well-researched critical essays, and interviews.
For inquiries or withdrawals please email the appropriate genre editor at the below addresses:
We are interested in color and black-and-white artwork. We use 7–12 pieces of art per issue. Sometimes our aesthetic reflects the themes appropriate to each respective issue; at other times, it reflects a general interest in the blending of genre and media. Please submit high resolution (300 dpi or better) image files, JPG or PDF preferred.For inquiries please email:
cream city review sponsors three annual contests judged by established writers: the A. David Schwartz Fiction Prize; the Beau Boudreaux Poetry Prize; and the David B. Saunders Prize for Creative Nonfiction. Past judges include Gordon Weaver, Susan Firer, Beth Ann Fennelly, Ron Rindo, Caroline Knox, Allison Joseph, A. Manette Ansay, Josh Bell, Michael Martone, and David Treuer.Reading period: year round.
Deadline for current year’s contest: December 31.
Fee: $15/story (no longer than 30 pages) or 3-5 poems, payable to cream city review. The entrant’s fee includes the issue in which prize winners are announced.
Prize: $1,000.00 plus publication.
Address your submission to one of the following:
The A. David Schwartz Fiction Prize
The Beau Boudreaux Poetry Prize
or The David B. Saunders Award for Creative Nonfictionand send your entry to:
cream city review
Department of English
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201Prize submissions must be typed, double-spaced (poetry may be single-spaced), and include the author’s name and address. There is no need to include an SASE, as winners will be announced on this site before publication of the Spring issue. All entrants receive a copy of the issue containing the winners. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as cream city review is notified in the event the manuscript is accepted elsewhere. The reading fee, however, is non-refundable.
The theme for the Fall 2010 issue of cream city review was “visual”. For more information on what we were looking for, see our [theme announcement]. Submissions were accepted between August 1 and November 1, 2009.The theme for the Fall 2009 issue was “humor”.
Please visit our site during Spring 2010 for an announcement on our Fall 2011 theme.