PUB: Creative Wings Short Story Competition « Beautiful Wings

Creative Wings Short Story Competition

Creative Wings is launching its first ever short story competition, with the aim of encouraging budding African writers. The inaugural contest is now open. Deadline for submission is AUGUST 1, 2011.

Stories must be previously unpublished and must be the exclusive work of the entrant.

Stories must be 600 words or less.

Entry is free.

Only one submission per entrant is permitted.

Only online submissions are acceptable. Entries should be emailed to Paste story in the body of the e-mail. Use ‘CreativeWings Contest’ in the subject line. Entries with attachments will be disqualified.

The email must contain the entrant’s name, the title of story, and the entrant’s physical address and contact phone number.

Simultaneous submissions are NOT acceptable.

Writers are not restricted to any theme.

Entries must be in English.

The judge will select two winners who will be given two books each.

One Prize Winner will get a copy of Helon Habila’s award winning book and Obinna Udenwe’s debut novel, The Dancing Bird.

Another Prize Winner will get a copy of Diana Evans’ award winning book and Obinna Udenwe’s debut novel, The Dancing Bird.

The winning stories will also be published on Guerilla Basement and YNaija.

The competition will be judged by Ose Ndebbio who teaches literature and language arts. She is also a member of the freelance writers association, Manchester.

This competition is sponsored by Obinna Udenwe, a young democrat from South-East Nigeria. Obinna is also an author of: The Dancing Bird which mirrors the socio-cultural settings of the African society; and a new collection of children stories, ‘Wenitem and Her Friends.