PUB: Creative Writing Contests — University of Louisville

The Calvino Prize

The Calvino Prize is an annual fiction competition sponsored by the Creative Writing Program in the English Department of the University of Louisville. They will be awarded to outstanding pieces of fiction in the fabulist experimentalist style of Italo Calvino. Please note that these prizes are meant to encourage experimental writing, in the mode of Calvino, and are not meant to encourage merely imitative work.

First Place: $1500 and Publication
Second Place: $300

The first place entry will be published in the Salt Hill Journal of Syracuse University.

Further, the winner will be invited to read the winning entry, all expenses paid (within the continental US), at the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900 held at the University of Louisville every February. The 10 finalists will be posted on the website.


The Calvino Prize
Submission Guidelines 



Now, you can submit your paper online at Calvino E-Submission. Please fill out the online submission form and mail in a $25 of the entry fee for the Contest.


  1. Submit up to 25 industry standard (double-spaced, 12-point font, pages numbered) pages of a novel, novella, short story, or short collection. Entries which use a smaller font or are single-spaced in order to make a longer work appear to be only 25 pages will be trimmed to approximately 25 industry standard pages. Work previously published is eligible and simultaneous submissions are accepted. An excerpt from a larger work is allowed; however, remember that the selection will be judged on its own merit and so should be able to stand on its own. 
  2. Please submit TWO copies of your submission bound by a paper clip, binder, or single staple. DO NOT USE MULTIPLE STAPLES. The author's name should not appear on the work. All entries will be read anonymously. 
  3. Please send two cover pages: one listing only the title of the manuscript; the other listing the title, author's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
  4. Please tell us in what magazine you learned of this contest.
  5. Please do not send publication history of the author.
  6. Submit anytime between July 1 and October 14, 2011.
    Deadline: October 14, 2011

    Winner announced December 14, 2011.
  7. The entry fee is $25 and should be made payable to: The University of Louisville.
  8. Mailing Address:
    The Calvino Prize
    English Department
    Room 315, Bingham Humanities Bldg.
    University of Louisville
    Louisville,  KY  40292
  9. If you would like confirmation of receipt of manuscript, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped standard US Postal Service post card.
  10. All results will be posted to the University of Louisville's website following the announcement on December 14, 2011. Finalists and winners will be notified via email. 
  11. For questions, email Paul Griner, Director of Creative Writing at
  12. Faculty and employees of the University of Louisville and the University of Syracuse may not enter the contest.
  13. The judges reserve the right to withhold the award if no entry is deemed worthy.
  14. Previous first place winners may not enter for three years after winning.  Second place winners have no restrictions.
  15. Final Judge 2011: Aimee Bender