Flash Fiction Anthology (Volume One)
Flash Fiction seems to be the newest rage, so we figured we'd jump on the bandwagon. So let's see just how good of a writer you are!
Submission to this anthology is open to all writers, published or unpublished as long as you hold the copyright to your story.
The story style does not matter as long as it is a horror tale and does not exceed 500 words. Your ultimate mission? scare us!
Here are the rest of the submission guidelines:
DEADLINE: Submissions for Frightmares! will be accepted until the volume has been filled. We estimate a release date of Fall 2011 which means a closing date of approximately July 2011. (This, of course, depends on the quality and quantity of submissions.)
PAYMENT/AWARDS: Flash fiction submissions which appear in Frightmares! will each receive a PDF copy of the anthology. But wait, there's more! ««« Five authors will be awarded cash prizes.««« Over $200 in cash and prizes will be awarded. The top four flash fiction stories will receive cash prizes and, in addition, a random drawing will be held with the names of all submitting authors. These prizes will be awarded upon publication of the anthology.
1st Place - $100
2nd Place - $50
3rd Place - $25
4th Place - $15
Random Drawing - $50
(For promotional purposes, some flash fiction pieces may appear in future issues of Dark Moon Digest. If your Flash Fiction story is used in an issue of Dark Moon Digest, you will also receive a PDF of that issue of the magazine in addition to any future prizes or awards.)
ENTRY FEE: There is no entry fee for submitting your flash fiction piece to Frightmares!
- Your flash fiction horror story must be previously unpublished in print format unless you still hold the copyright. (You must inform us if a story has previously been published and where/when it was published.) Online publication is fine as long as you hold the copyright and are not bound by exclusivity to any person, party or website.
- All flash fiction short stories must be submitted by the author holding the copyright. (If your story is not copyrighted, don’t worry. Copyright laws protect your work from the moment you began writing it. Check here for more information on copyrights.) Prior to publication, all authors selected for publication must sign a release stating that said flash fiction piece is their work and that Dark Moon Books will not be held liable if this statement is found to be false.
- Authors keep all rights to their work including the original copyright. Stories published in either the magazine or the anthology will carry notices which stipulate the copyright resides with the author. Please inform us if your story appears elsewhere prior to publication, especially if this effects your copyright or reprint permissions.
- Submissions cannot under any circumstances exceed 500 words! Title, byline and notes to the editor are not included in the word count. If your story is 501 words or more, it will not be entered into the contest. We will, however, inform you of the problem and allow you to re-submit if you so wish.
- Please check your spelling and grammar carefully.
- You may withdraw your short story from consideration at any point, but this request must be made in writing (e-mail acceptable).
- Entrants selected for publication in either the anthology or an issue of Dark Moon Digest will be contacted prior to publication. Dark Moon Books reserves the right to edit submitted stories for content. However, all copyrights will remain with the original author regardless of edits. Due to the volume of stories we expect to receive, authors whose work is not used in either the anthology or an issue of Dark Moon Digest will not be contacted. You may, however, at any time inquire about your submission.
- Submit all entries via e-mail to"> as an attachment in either Word (.doc) or rich text format. Please use “Frightmares Anthology Submission” in your subject line. No queries are required.
- Include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the first page of your submission and in your e-mail please.
- Please use a serif type to format your short story. (i.e. Times Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier). Do not use headers or footers.
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