Dark Tales Short Story Competition
1. UK residents can enter the competition either by post or online.
2. Non-UK residents can enter the competition online.
3. Non-UK residents are also welcome to enter the competition by post provided that the entry fee can be paid with a pounds sterling (UK) cheque.
4. Entry fee:
(a) Non-subscribers: The entry fee is £3 if you do not require a critique, £6 if you require a tick-sheet critique, £15 if you require a tick-sheet critique and a proof edit.
(b) Subscribers: There is no entry fee for your first story, after which each entry is £3 per story. For all entries, each story is an additional £3 if you require a tick-sheet critique, or an additional £12 if you require a tick-sheet critique and a proof edit. Your name and address details must match your subscription details otherwise your free entry will be disqualified.
5. Each entry must be no longer than 5000 words.
6. Each entry must be the original, unpublished work of the stated author. Full copyright is retained by the author.
7. For postal entries, stories must be typed or printed legibly, and the author's name and the title of the story must be printed at the top of each page.
8. Postal entries must be sent, with adequate postage attached, to:
Dark Tales Short Story Competition, 7 Offley Street, Worcester WR3 8BH, UK.Cheques or postal orders payable to Dark Tales.
9. The current deadline for receipt of stories is 30th September 2011.
10. Stories cannot be returned so please do not send original manuscripts.
11. Entries will be judged by Sean Jeffery and one other judge, whose decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
12. The winner will receive £500, the runner-up £250 and third-placed £100, plus publication in Dark Tales. All other shortlisted and published entrants will receive £5. Each published entrant will be notified within approximately 60 days of the closing date. Critiques will be sent out as soon as possible afterwards.
13. All published entrants will receive one free copy of the issue of Dark Tales their story is published in.
14. Postal entries: Entries must be accompanied by the correct payment. An entry form can be used but is not compulsory.
15. Online entries: After making your payment via PayPal upload your story using the online form that should appear or email your story to stories@darktales.co.uk - preferably as a Word document - ensuring that the Subject for the email is Dark Tales Contest Entry. If you have subscribed and do not need a critique please email your free entry quoting your subscriber name and address. All other stories can be uploaded or emailed.
Go here for a printable entry form if you would like to enter by post, or click below:
Size : 0.04 Kb
Type : pdfIf you would like to enter securely online, pay for your entry using the button below and then email it to stories@darktales.co.uk
or use the online form to upload it.Select whether you require a tick-sheet critique and press the button. If you like, subscribe at the same time and enter for free: