Deadline Reminder:
4th International
Maroon Conference
The deadline for submissions for the Fourth International Maroon Conference is next Tuesday, November 15, 2011. The conference, organized under the unifying theme “Independence,” will take place in Charles Town, Portland, Jamaica, in June 20-24, 2012.
This multidisciplinary conference seeks papers that explore treatments of Maroon culture in history, literature, ethnography, anthropology, geography, sociology, archeology, political theory, cultural studies, film, linguistics, art, music, and theatre. It examines the values and practices of maroons and marronage and the ways they have influenced and transformed the Caribbean, Canada, South America, Europe, the United States and Africa.
With its theme of “Independence,” the conference links the Maroon victory over the English in 1739 with the fiftieth anniversary of Jamaican independence from England in 1962 to celebrate both events. Offering a unique combination of scholarly panels and cultural performances, the Fourth International Maroon conference aims to increase awareness of Maroon contributions to contemporary societies, bringing together descendents of Maroons with scholars interested in Maroon
heritage and indigenous cultures.Send abstracts (before November 15) or inquiries to