"Discovery" / Boston Review
Poetry Contest
Now in its fifth decade, the "Discovery" Poetry Contest, formerly "Discovery"/The Nation, is designed to attract large audiences to poets who have not yet published a book.
For the fourth year, the 92nd Street Y Unterberg Poetry Center is proud to partner with Boston Review. Four winners are awarded a reading at the Poetry Center (set for Mon, May 9, 2011, at 8:15pm), publication in Boston Review and $500 each.
Timothy Donnelly, poetry editor at Boston Review, coordinates the contest. The judges for the 2012 contest are Tony Hoagland, Lisa Russ Spaar and Arthur Sze. The deadline to submit is Friday, Jan 13, 2012, by 5 pm. See guidelines below.
Cornelius Eady, Brenda Hillman and D. A. Powell judged in 2011.
The four winners of the 2011 “Discovery”/Boston Review Poetry Contest are: Ansel Elkins, of Greensboro, NC; Angelo Nikolopoulos of New York, NY; Adam Roberts, of Iowa City, IA; and Solmaz Sharif, of Los Angeles, CA.
The three runners-up for 2011 are Xavier Cavazos of Ames, IA; Rebecca Lehmann of Tallahassee, FL; and Megan Williams of Boise, ID.
This contest is endowed by Joan L. and Dr. Julius H. Jacobson, II.
Download the "Discovery"/Boston Review 2012 Guidelines here.